Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Greenbank Mills & Philips Farm, Wilmington, Delaware

Learning about Delaware in the Early Republic feels so right 
At this 300 year old gristmill, textile mill, and farm-site

Greenbank Mills & Philips Farm is a living history museum with tours and programs focusing on a variety of aspects of the Early Republic (1790-1830): the gristmill, the textile factory, and daily life at the 1794 Philips House and 19th century farm with heritage livestock. Greenbank Is ...... an oasis in a busy shopping corridor, a lush green space filled with history and beauty and the tranquility of years gone by. It is a creative space where you can sink your fingers into soft growing wool, into fertile soil, or onto wood and stone worn down after hundreds of years. There is no better place, no easier place, to reach back into a simpler time and into your own soul.

For more information, visit:

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